Saturday, July 25, 2009

Monday Blues ? Ah, biasalah tu..

>Di petik dari sini.
Bunyinyer macam menarik,kan kawan-kawan.
Enjoy reading ~~~*


the cock crows again

its the dawn of a new day

his eyes still heavy with sleep

he dreads the icy cold water

on his bare skin

clothes barely ironed

shoes not quite polished

room in a state of mess

that'll wait,cant miss the bus again

not a decent vehicle in sight

he opts for the death on wheels-MOLUE

thats what its called-right?

the awful smell of bad breath and cheap cologne

hangs in the air

misplaced elbows.poing hes ribs

he sticks his head out the window

for a bit of fresh,unpolluted air

hes heart pumps faster than usual

as he crosses the mainland bridge

the driver drunk with madness

speeds like death awaits him

he thinks about the swimming lessons he didnt take

poor one with heavy fever..he begins to shake

he breaths a sigh of relief

as they reach the other end of the bridge

driver signals to hes side kick

who prances about collecting the bus fare

where yer moni" he shouts

as if speaking to a deaf ear

in a fit of anger and fustration

he flings the money at the conductor and hurries off

while curses are rained on him

he mutters hes under his breath

late for work

the boss..

is down his neck again

the pay isnt worth the work

but there are mouths to feed

he dares not talk

the same menacing cycle on the journey home

the sun has died

and the stars rule the sky

home sweet home at last

jus then nepa strikes....

( sekadar gambar hiasan di pagi isnin )

Happy Monday peeps!

Sambal Tempoyak Punya Pasal

Di hujung-hujung minggu begini
Pastinya ibu dan kakak ku berebut untuk turun ke dapur
Saya ? Tengok dari jauh sambil buat drawing sudahlah !


Sambal tempoyak plus ikan bilis
Memang sangat-sangat membuat saya teruja mencubanya
Walaupun telah beberapa kali Sang Munchkyn memberitahu
" Itu makanan favourite Bie tau Hunny "
Hati ini tetap tak teringin langsung nak mencubanya!

Tapi lain pula halnya dengan hari ini
Sebaik saja sambal tempoyak terhidang atas meja
terus mencedok nasi ke pinggan tanpa memandang kiri dan kanan
[ Kelihatan gelojoh ,bukan ? ]
Entah kenapa teruja sangat dengan baunya yang semerbak itu

Kesannya, saya habis melantak 2 pinggan ( bukan 4 pinggan ya ! )
Maka...musnahlah diet saya pada hujung minggu
Sekian untuk entri " sambal tempoyak punya pasal "

Friday, July 24, 2009

Perginya Takkan Kembali

Hari ini genap 2 tahun 6 bulan pemergian Ayah tercinta ke rahmatullah
Setiap kali teringat arwah ayah hati sentiasa di rundung kesedihan

Pasti !

Ayah, kenangan bersama Ayah tetap segar dalam ingatan

Walau hampir 3 tahun berlalu
Anak Ayah ini sedihnya belum hilang lagi

Hanya doa dan surah-surah suci yg mampu Adik titipkan untuk Ayah

Setiap waktu , setiap saat

Bukan hanya pada hari ini

Adik sangat-sangat terkilan kerana hanya lambat 5 minit untuk melihat Ayah menutup mata buat kali terakhir

MungkinAbang lebih bernasib baik barangkali

Namun Ayah sentiasa berada dlm hati kami semua…

Ayah, sekarang ni kalau Adik sedih, Adik tak ada tempat
mengadu dan tempat mencurah rasa macam dulu lagi

Adik betul-betul rasa kehilangan

Semoga Ayah di dalam golongan hamba-hambaNya yang soleh di sana

Doa anak-anak Ayah sentiasa bersama Ayah setiap masa setiap saat

Al Fatihah untuk Ayah tercinta

Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat

[ Amin Ya Rabbal Allamin ]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

:: Perempuan Datang Atas Nama Cinta ::

Perempuan datang atas nama cinta
Bunda pergi karena cinta
Digenangi air racun jingga adalah wajahmu
Seperti bulan lelap tidur di hatimu
yang berdinding kelam dan kedinginan
Ada apa dengannya
Meninggalkan hati untuk dicaci
Lalu sekali ini aku melihat karya surga
dari mata seorang hawa
Ada apa dengan cinta

Tapi aku pasti akan kembali
dalam satu purnama
untuk mempertanyakan kembali cintanya..

Bukan untuknya, bukan untuk siapa
Tapi untukku
Karena aku ingin kamu
Itu saja

( ** Oh bee, kangen banget sama kamu !! )

Thursday, July 9, 2009

R.I.P Mikael !

Have just finished watching Living With Michael Jackson in youtube.

A big thanks to the one who uploaded these videos, love them very much!

What i can say is, Michael was so innocent, childlike, gentle, generous and warm hearted person.

I love his personalities! Deep in my heart, he was a real man, a good daddy and a loving man.

How could the press and public keep insulting him?

Especially after his death, people have no respect at all.

This is so rude and so unfair to him!!!Dammit!

As his supporters said:
F.U.C.K the press, Michael you are the best
Hah ! this quote rocks!

I love this episode :
Michael said
'' I dont ever want to be buried, I would like to live forever ''
This is so sad, it gave me chills, ran up my spine, made me crying like nobody business.

You do!! You do!! You will live in our heart forever ! Yeah, it's true..

"People can always have a judgement about anything you do.

Everything can be strange to someone....

So who cares? "

Last but not least,

Rest In Peace MJ !

I will miss your music. But I will not miss your white-wannabe mentality..